go, going, gone!
will be back in 38days...end fast please...
Another Chapter of angrynor @ 2:10 AM
1 Person(s) Fill My LIfe
Everyone in this world leads a different life. This is mine.
Hi there. My name is Gavin Sim and i have decided to share my life online.
I am 19 going 20 and is studying in Temasek Polytechnic studying Hospitality and Tourism Management. Also in HTM Interest Group and Bowling. Might join more lar. =D
Was in Pioneer Junior College, 4th Student Council, Social and Relations Comm. Dance and Cheer IC. OrientationS simply ROCKS! PJC Rocks!
Was in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), NCC(SEA )SSG / Peer Support Leaders.
Was in Xingnan Primary School. Prefects, LTC leader, Track and Field.
Stays in Jurong Ext and simply love sports like bowling, badminton, basketball, tennis( watever... i just dun play soccer.)
To anyone who might be reading this, all that you are going to read is a work of fiction and does not hold any truth( ya rite ). Yup, hope you enjoy your stay and visit often! =)
You can also choose to e-mail me at:
Hey! Leave me a message!
You can add my handy tool too in YOUR blog to keep you UPDATED with mine! Simply copy and paste the simple HTML in your blog!
Gavin dedicate this song to you!
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- Performed by - æ¹æ ¼ -
( Sorry for the quality, but it is lowered so that more people can enjoy this song! )